Tuesday 9 August 2011

3D Recaps: Super Mario 3D Land

Game #1: Super Mario 3D Land

Hey guys! I'm starting a new series on recapping 3DS Games and then review them (If I get them.) So, lets start with one of the most anticipated games for 3DS, Super Mario 3D Land. So first off, when the 3DS was announced, Miyamoto comfirmed in a Iwata Asks, that a Super Mario title was currently in development, but he did not have a title for the game at that current time. Now, let us fast forward to November 2010. Since Miyamoto thought he did not give a proper introduction to the game, he once again comfirmed a Mario game is in development, but then he was calling it Super Mario Bros. which is quite a name for a mario game. Cause, if you look at the image above....Yeah....but he also sayed that 2D and 3D will be involved in the game. Now, fast forward all the way to february 2011. Its GDC, which stands for Game Developers conference. As always, it was in San Francisco. So Nintendo was having there conference, when they came to talking about how cool mario would be in 3D. They sayed it make hard elements, easy, like...hitting a ? Block. So out the middle of nowhere, surprise! Super Mario 3DS was announced.......for the third time. So when we all took the first looks at the first four screenshots of the game, people sayed it looked like a mix of Mario 64 and Mario Galaxy. Unforgettably, there was no gameplay, no trailer and worst of all, no demo. But atleast we know it exists and that we know what it looks like. Now, last of all, lets fast forward to E3 2011! Nintendo back at GDC made us notice a tail under the O of the logo of the game and they sayed they won't "Show" us what it men't untill E3. Well, we watched E3. Guess what it was.....Yep, the classic tanooki suit is making a return. Not only that, we got a trailer full of game play, and more screenshots, and a demo! When I saw this, I thought "Oh god, the only thing that could make this better is if nintendo gave the Super Mario demo to the public!" and I think my thought is gonna come true by the end of the year. Not only that, they change the name from Super Mario to super mario 3D Land. Now, I made a youtube playlist of all things Super Mario 3D land related. Heres the link: Here! Now make sure to watch it if your hyped for Super Mario 3D land. The release date is November 2011. Now, all I have to say now is to comment what you want me to Recap next and expect a Super Mario 3D Land review. And if possible, expect a review of the demo (If they release to public).

And I`ll talk to you later!

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Is Paper Zelda coming to the 3DS?

A Swedish retailer has recently listed PAPER ZELDA as a game for the Wii U. We don't know if it's fake or not, but IMAGINE the possibilities of it on the Wii U. We can't know for sure, but that would be pretty awesome.

Monday 20 June 2011

A Degenerate Look into Ocarina of Time 3D!

Beautiful. They brought a great game new life. The menu revamp is excellent, and beyond helpful. The new Sheik Stones are a nice touch for new comers and give great visual how to. The 3D doesn't kill your eyes and doesn't get in the way. Rayman was a good example, but it would kill any platforming, Ocarina? Not so much.

This is a game that I bought the system for. This is the 3rd iteration I've paid for and it brings the experience of Zelda to handheld. I think they may have dialed the difficulty back a bit. I took Ghoma out pretty damn fast.

I'm still a bit miffed at the 40.00 price tag of most 3DS games. I think, especially for this one, it is a bit high. Revamped or not, the game is old. It's good. It's old. The visuals are beautiful, the audio is as well. Let's face it, the audio was beautiful when it first appeared.

The people who pre-ordered overseas got a slick new 3DS case, posters etc. We got jack. The booklets? One was an ad for Nintendo Power with my Game Registration Code. The other was an ad for virtual games to celebrate Zelda's birthday and the final one was a fold out bi-lingual this is the game, this is what it do.

I want my booklets back, damn it!!!

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Ahead of awesome fifa 12 announcement...

Terrible announcement which leaves PES a chance to OWN Fifa.

In an interview with Nintendo World Report, the game’s producer Matt Prior admitted: “currently, we only have local head-to-head play, but server-based online is certainly something we would be looking at in the future.”

Prior Also confirmed NO Spotpass.

And no online means NO ULTIMATE TEAM from the console versions.

Despite Saying that the EA boss said FIFA 12 would have the most features in an EA handheld game.

Nintendo's Sales drop+ I'm back guys!

The reduce in sales for the former must-have Wii are understandable given the console’s age and the announcement that its follow-up(Project Cafe)will be officially unveiled at E3 next month, Nintendo will face more concerns around dwindling sales of its latest flagship handheld, the revolutionary glasses free 3D gamer the Nintendo 3DS.

Having shifted just short of 400,000 units during its opening week in the US, the Nintendo 3DS racked up just a further 194,000 sales during the whole of April, with handheld interest seemingly drifting to the future arrival of the Sony NGP.

Saturday 7 May 2011

Rayman 3D

You're kidding me, another Rayman 2 port? I guess Ubisoft will never stop milking a game some call one of the "greatest games of all time". Despite my little rant, I think Rayman 3D is a great game for people who haven't played any version of Rayman 2. But if you have, I would not suggest this title due to it being a rather poor port because of framerate issues and a somewhat bad use of 3D.

One of the things I like about Rayman 3D is the gameplay is never too challenging, but never too easy. For example, the levels aren't extremely hard for kids, yet the game still provides challenge for the more experienced gamers.

There are quite a few features that I wish were in the game. One of them is the lack of touchscreen use. The lack of touchscreen use is evidence that Ubisoft had a quick cash-in planned (I actually think they have that in mind for every game). Also, I think StreetPass should have been used. You could exchange the amount of lums you have with people, so you could see how far others are in their game.

The graphics for Rayman 3D are pretty similar to the original's graphics, but I have 2 major complaints. The 3D is useless and bad looking, and there are framerate drops when you are playing in 3D. So what I have to say is "Thank god Nintendo made 3D optional". Otherwise, no complaints here.

I honestly do not like the music for Rayman 3D. I rarely have the sound off, and when I do, it's on for a very short period of time. So if you have an iPod or an MP3 player, listen to it while playing this game. If only Nintendo enabled the 3DS to play music while playing games.... Sorry for going off-topic.

The controls are pretty similar to those of other platformers. A is jump, Y is shoot, Circle Pad is move, blah blah blah.

Sound: I usually don't have it on: 5/10
Controls: Similar to those of other platformers: 9/10

Lasting Appeal: With 20 worlds, the game will last for a decent amount of time: 8.5/10

Graphics: Framerate issues while playing in 3D plague this game: 5/10

Random Category: Bugs! Yep, lums are bugs. Pass

Overall: 8/10

Friday 6 May 2011

*breaks the silence*

There hasn't really been a post on here in a while....so I'll have another one of my pointless rants! =D

You know that rumour floating around that Microsoft is working on a 360 successor to show off at E3? The one that was supposedly going to steal Nintendo's thunder?

Well, it turns out that's false.

EA has stated that: "This story is a total fabrication – 100 percent not true."

Whilst this can very well just be EA's way of stopping crazy speculation, I don't think EA is the the type of company that would stop attention directed towards them.

I'm kind of hoping that this rumour isn't true, mostly because I'm worried about how powerful something like that can be. And if it came out in the same year as Nintendo's new system? Wow.

I'm expecting an announcement in next year's E3 at the latest.

What do you guys think?

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Archie Comics coming to the 3DS!

Yes, Archie (Andrews, not 96) Comics are coming to the 3DS eShop! In a recent interview, Dan Parent, writer and artist for Archie Comics, has said that "The popular Archie iOS app will be coming to the 3DS, and will be a free download with the ability to buy and download more comics." Such comics such as the Archie Digest series will be sold for average newsstand price, while collections of 3-Panel comics will be sold for as low as $0.50 for a pack of 40. For the first time, readers will be able to experience the adventures of Archie, Betty, Veronica, Reggie, Jughead, and the rest of the Riverdale gang in 3D! And yes, they will have the Kevin Keller 4-Part Mini Series.

Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games - The Latest Details!

Mario & Soinc will be back in our homes with a new game in the Olympic series, Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games. The latest issue of Nintendo Power Magazine has revealed a few details regarding the new sporting title.

This is the information that Nintendo Power Magazine gave regarding Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games:
  • More than 50 different Olympic activities
  • Multiplayer mode
  • Unique control systems
  • Additional Dream Events
(Nintendo have not confirmed whether or not the multiplayer mode is online or local)

Archie96's Daily Nintendo Tip! Tip #5: 3DS + DS = Mystery

Today's 'tip' (if you can call it that) is more a ghost story than anything else... The DS' interference with 3DS' sleep mode!
Although it will not help you in any way shape or form, it still is quite interesting to have a look at if you have both the consoles.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword's Music Conspiracy

  This is incredible! A fan has just discovered something.... so totally awesome!
Let's get to the point, this is a pretty great trailer, right? And the music is quite nice, huh? No, it's the most amazing music you've ever heard!
Nintendo have decided to be themselves and included a little 'easter-egg', which can only be heard when you play the music backwards. Above is original, below is reversed: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - GDC 2011 trailer music in reverse by rawmeatcowboy

Archery (AR) Review - Never Worry, Never Fear, Robin Hood will soon be here.

Archery is the very first game you get when you fire up the Augmented Reality app on your 3DS, and it's an excellent introduction to the wonderful world of AR.

It's a First Person Shooter, which you control by moving your 3DS around the ? AR card, and when you look through the screen, you see that little box creatures have appeared and are now intent on murdering you and eating your remains!

Archie96's Daily Nintendo Tip! Tip #4: The Wii Sports One

Today we veer off from the 3DS to a bit of Wii... and the original Wii Game, Wii Sports. I'll give you a little trick for each of the 5 sports which, although they may not be much help, are still a little bit fun!
And they are...

Monday 2 May 2011

Nintendo Hub on Youtube!

by Andrew "Chowder" Velasco

Hey guys just wanted to let you know that the new Youtube page is up. Come support it! You know subscribe, like, comment and whatever else you can do to blow it up! I'm still learning how to do everything so it will all get better as it gets bigger, just like this website. Hope you guys like it! Thanks! If you have any suggestions or ideas feel free to PM the account or leave a comment!


P.S. I'm looking for a cool layout/background...so if you have one email me please: andreww280@yahoo.com

Link Page!

No, not that kind of link....

So as not to leave today without a post from me, here's a bunch of fun links to pages around the web.

Nintendo Hub Links
The Forums.
The Daily Tips.
NH Official Twitter.
NH Official Facebook.

Penny Arcade - Probably the most famous webcomic of all time.
Brawl In The Family - SSBB related Hijinks.
Pearls Before Swine - A comic strip starring funny idiotic animals. Creator has a blog, too.

Gaming Websites

IGN - You damn well know what IGN is.
3DS Forums - Forums for 3DS, Wii and Project Cafe.
Sorry about the short list, really busy today. Hopefully I'll get more down tomorrow.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D - Preorder Bonuses!

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was made in 1997 for the Nintendo 64. In June 2011, Nintendo fans across the world are able to revisit the game in amazing 3D graphics as it will be available for the Nintendo 3DS. Amazon, a video game retailer, has announced their spectacular preorder bonuses!

New Rabbids Wedding Game!

Rabbids are small white video game characters, very similar to rabbits. They have long pointy ears and a mouth with many missing teeth. Rabbids were created by Ubisoft and jumped to fame in their first game which was actually part of the Rayman series. The Rabbids now star in their own spin-off series which are very popular on the Nintendo Wii and 3DS.

Archie96's Daily Nintendo Tip! Tip #3: Using Colours In Free Fishing (AR Game)

Welcome to the third daily Nintendo tip. Today we have another 3DS centered tip... and it be: How Using Colours In Free Fishing (AR Game) Effects The Gameplay.


Happy birthday to me! I've turned 10! And to celebrate, You guys WILL comment below and say me a happy birthday! That means you Archie!!! Anyway :p I'm getting a 3DS! With street fighter (MY FAVORITE GAME!) and super monkey ball! So....yeah......Leave your comments below...and I'l talk to you later.

Sunday 1 May 2011

Xenoblade coming to North America?

As most of you may know, Xenoblade Chronicles is getting a release in Europe. Although there's no official news on a localization overseas, one of the voice actors for the game, Peter Dickson, said something very peculiar on his website:

"Peter has been cast as the Emperor Sorean - the leader of the High Entia in the cult Nintendo RPG Xenoblade Chronicles. The game will be released Autumn 2011 in UK, Europe and USA. Peter is thrilled to have played such a leading role in a massively successful Nintendo title"

Does this mean we'll definitely be seeing Xenoblade in the States as well? All I can hope for is a release in all of North America, instead of just the USA. I suppose I could just import the game from the States, but Canada needs some attention too.

My Top 5 Worst DS Single Card Mulitplayer Games

Everyone likes playing games with friends, and because the DS family has Wi-Fi, you can easily. What's even better is that most of the time you can do this with only one game card. However, sometimes developers think that single-card multiplayer means that they can slack off. These are the Top 5 WORST examples of this.

Play Coins - An Overview

Nintendo has recently been on a bit of a health overload. They introduced the Pokewalker, Personal Trainer: Walking, and oh yeah, that whole Wii thing. But the newest addition to this health binge is the addition of a pedometer on the 3DS.

Dragon Quest X speculation.

We heard about the next Dragon Quest game being on a console a while back. It was rumoured to be for the Wii.

Dragon Quest X

Published by Square-Enix, the Dragon Quest series is VERY popular in Japan. And seeing as the last console release of a Dragon Quest game was DQIV for the PS2, this was very exciting news.
Unfortunately, the rumours quickly died out and we hadn't heard anything about the game for a long time.

Archie96's Daily Nintendo Tip! Tip #2: How To Transfer Miis From Wii To 3DS

Picture the scene: You've made loads and loads of cool miis on your Wii, and suddenly the 3DS has arrived - sporting Mii functions... and now all you Wii Miis will get left behind, right? NO. Nintendo actually included a way to transfer your Miis to 3DS - just follow these simple steps!

Saturday 30 April 2011

What games would you like to see on the Project Café?

As I sit here on my butt, eating pizza and being the lazy gamer that I am, I wonder about what games would be great choices for the new console. Well, what do you think?