Saturday 30 April 2011

What games would you like to see on the Project Café?

As I sit here on my butt, eating pizza and being the lazy gamer that I am, I wonder about what games would be great choices for the new console. Well, what do you think?


No, I mean games that we haven't seen on a Nintendo system in a while. Or maybe series that haven't seen the light of day for a long time. Kid Icarus and Pilotwings got revivals, so that seems plausible.

Me? Well...

#5 - Mario Party
Hey, don't make fun of me! I actually had a lot of fun playing those games. Just imagine all of the mini-games that could be possible with the controller. Plus, we'd finally get online play, I would love to play Mario Party online with a couple of friends.

#4 - F-Zero
It's not like F-Zero hasn't had a game in a long time. But, it has been in a while. With the last FZ game being on the GC, the intense racing series has missed a lot of chances with the boom of online play. This is a lot like Mario Party: take a game that already had fun local multiplayer, and make it online. Current online racing games are fun and all, but none of them seem to have the charm that F-Zero always brought, well, except for Mario Kart Wii.

#3 - Fire Emblem
I am a HUGE fan of the Fire Emblem games, and SRPGs themselves. The last new entry in the Fire Emblem series was Radiant Dawn, and it wasn't very well-received, surprisingly. The remakes on the DS were good and all, but they sort of strayed away from the formula that I knew and loved; I mean, they made it possible to change a character's class, which made it impossible for me to feel attached to them. An entry on the next system would seem possible mainly because of FE's cult following it has. They've never been really graphical achievements, but the immersive gameplay and war-driven plot always kept me coming back for more.

#2 - Final Fantasy
Now I know what you're saying, "Magma, there were FF games on the DS!".
Well, I'm more speaking of the main games. Did you know that we haven't seen a main FF game on a Nintendo platform since VI? I'm not even sure why; the Wii is the only console Nintendo has made that hasn't been able to compete with other consoles of that generation. The Gamecube and the N64 could've handled the games perfectly.
But, I digress, Nintendo owners missed out on 7 great FF games, and I'd love for the series to make a return already.

#1 - Mother series
This is more of just my nerd fantasy than anything else. It's not enough that we already had to hope for an Earthbound Virtual Console release and get our hearts broken, but Nintendo has already made statements that they're done with the Mother series, which really is incredibly saddening. Earthbound shaped my mind as a kid, and taught me what was really important in life. And Mother 3's ending actually made me cry. Hey, I was 16, give me a break. We are going to get a Mother 4 fangame, so hopefully that will be amazing as well. But, nothing can actually offer the amazing experience that another Mother game by Shigesato Itoi would've given us.

What do you guys think?

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