Saturday 7 May 2011

Rayman 3D

You're kidding me, another Rayman 2 port? I guess Ubisoft will never stop milking a game some call one of the "greatest games of all time". Despite my little rant, I think Rayman 3D is a great game for people who haven't played any version of Rayman 2. But if you have, I would not suggest this title due to it being a rather poor port because of framerate issues and a somewhat bad use of 3D.

One of the things I like about Rayman 3D is the gameplay is never too challenging, but never too easy. For example, the levels aren't extremely hard for kids, yet the game still provides challenge for the more experienced gamers.

There are quite a few features that I wish were in the game. One of them is the lack of touchscreen use. The lack of touchscreen use is evidence that Ubisoft had a quick cash-in planned (I actually think they have that in mind for every game). Also, I think StreetPass should have been used. You could exchange the amount of lums you have with people, so you could see how far others are in their game.

The graphics for Rayman 3D are pretty similar to the original's graphics, but I have 2 major complaints. The 3D is useless and bad looking, and there are framerate drops when you are playing in 3D. So what I have to say is "Thank god Nintendo made 3D optional". Otherwise, no complaints here.

I honestly do not like the music for Rayman 3D. I rarely have the sound off, and when I do, it's on for a very short period of time. So if you have an iPod or an MP3 player, listen to it while playing this game. If only Nintendo enabled the 3DS to play music while playing games.... Sorry for going off-topic.

The controls are pretty similar to those of other platformers. A is jump, Y is shoot, Circle Pad is move, blah blah blah.

Sound: I usually don't have it on: 5/10
Controls: Similar to those of other platformers: 9/10

Lasting Appeal: With 20 worlds, the game will last for a decent amount of time: 8.5/10

Graphics: Framerate issues while playing in 3D plague this game: 5/10

Random Category: Bugs! Yep, lums are bugs. Pass

Overall: 8/10