Friday 6 May 2011

*breaks the silence*

There hasn't really been a post on here in a I'll have another one of my pointless rants! =D

You know that rumour floating around that Microsoft is working on a 360 successor to show off at E3? The one that was supposedly going to steal Nintendo's thunder?

Well, it turns out that's false.

EA has stated that: "This story is a total fabrication – 100 percent not true."

Whilst this can very well just be EA's way of stopping crazy speculation, I don't think EA is the the type of company that would stop attention directed towards them.

I'm kind of hoping that this rumour isn't true, mostly because I'm worried about how powerful something like that can be. And if it came out in the same year as Nintendo's new system? Wow.

I'm expecting an announcement in next year's E3 at the latest.

What do you guys think?