Monday 2 May 2011

Archie96's Daily Nintendo Tip! Tip #3: Using Colours In Free Fishing (AR Game)

Welcome to the third daily Nintendo tip. Today we have another 3DS centered tip... and it be: How Using Colours In Free Fishing (AR Game) Effects The Gameplay.

This is a little Easter-egg that Nintendo put in, and basically encompasses what colour the surface is that you put your AR card on when you play free fishing.

You'll know when this has worked because your 3DS will come up with a message saying: Looks Like Your 3DS Reacts To Blue...

  • Put the AR card on a blue surface, and you get a shoal of sardines.
  • Red makes Cheep Cheeps appear, and jump about on the pond.
  • Green will make Koopa shells rain down.
  • Yellow will AR box creature appear. (Mr AR, I believe is his name) 

You are able to catch each one of these, which will help you on your way to collecting all 31 (Congratulations if you manage to!)

Remember to check back again tomorrow for the next Nintendo tip!

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