Tuesday 3 May 2011

Archie96's Daily Nintendo Tip! Tip #4: The Wii Sports One

Today we veer off from the 3DS to a bit of Wii... and the original Wii Game, Wii Sports. I'll give you a little trick for each of the 5 sports which, although they may not be much help, are still a little bit fun!
And they are...

  • In tennis, hold the 1 & 2 buttons during the warning screen right until the positions screen loads up for a blue court (the one from training).
  • Press 2 while pitching in Wii Sports Baseball and you'll pitch under-armed.
  • On hole 3 of Golf, there is a small section of fairway at about a 45 degree angle to the left from the tee box. It is a small patch surrounded by Out Of Bound-ness. If you can land your ball on there, you can easily make it on the green in 2, to to Eagle the hole. 
  • In boxing, Beat the Champion, Matt, and press and hold 1 when the screen is black before a match to use the Silver Boxing Gloves.
  • In bowling, go into training and select Power Throws. Then before you start, push A and move two clicks to the side, and then push A again and move all the way to the right. Then when you bowl the ball make sure that you release it high so that it goes onto the ledge - see the video for results!

Remember to check back again tomorrow for the next Nintendo tip!