Tuesday 3 May 2011

Archery (AR) Review - Never Worry, Never Fear, Robin Hood will soon be here.

Archery is the very first game you get when you fire up the Augmented Reality app on your 3DS, and it's an excellent introduction to the wonderful world of AR.

It's a First Person Shooter, which you control by moving your 3DS around the ? AR card, and when you look through the screen, you see that little box creatures have appeared and are now intent on murdering you and eating your remains!

Ok, maybe not. But you can shoot targets!
You have a crosshair, and with that crosshair, you shoot targets in a lush, green environment. Now, as you can see in that picture up there, there's a hole. How are you gonna get in that hole? Well, Augmented Reality is a great thing. Simply do what you would in real life to see down it, such as going above the hole and peering in. OH MY DEAR GOD SOMEONE PUT A TARGET IN THERE. So, you shoot it, and move on. Believe me, trying this for the first time will blow your mind.

There are only a measly four stages in Archery, but luckily, they are full o' fun. The first is the one shown in the picture, the second is one that moves the ground in and out, the third is a mysterious dragon statue, and the fourth is a boss fight! Yes, you get to shoot at a big dragon that has suddenly come out of your table.

If you just can't get enough Archery, you can buy Archery 2 for 3 Play Coins, which I won't talk about here because there might be a review of it in the future.

Gameplay - Innovative and Fun. Also the box creatures will kill you! They'll get you in your sleeeeep! 9/10

Graphics - Wii standard, so very funky. 9/10

Sound -
Barely any, except in the extremely short statue level and the boss fight, but what is is good. Pretty anime-like. 7/10

Controls -
The 3DS' gyroscope is very good and sensitive, and it also uses the A button, which, as you know, is easy enough to press. Unless you have -1 thumb. 9.7/10

3D - Erm. You can't really use the 3D, because you have to move the console, so unless you play in 2D, you'll get a blurry screen. 3/10

Random Category! - Doom - The box creatures are the spawns of Satan himself! Pass!

Price - Free (or 3 Play Coins less then it's successor.)
FINAL SCORE - 7.8/10

Speaking of AR, want to know a trick for Free Fishing? Click here on this bit of text.