Monday 20 June 2011

A Degenerate Look into Ocarina of Time 3D!

Beautiful. They brought a great game new life. The menu revamp is excellent, and beyond helpful. The new Sheik Stones are a nice touch for new comers and give great visual how to. The 3D doesn't kill your eyes and doesn't get in the way. Rayman was a good example, but it would kill any platforming, Ocarina? Not so much.

This is a game that I bought the system for. This is the 3rd iteration I've paid for and it brings the experience of Zelda to handheld. I think they may have dialed the difficulty back a bit. I took Ghoma out pretty damn fast.

I'm still a bit miffed at the 40.00 price tag of most 3DS games. I think, especially for this one, it is a bit high. Revamped or not, the game is old. It's good. It's old. The visuals are beautiful, the audio is as well. Let's face it, the audio was beautiful when it first appeared.

The people who pre-ordered overseas got a slick new 3DS case, posters etc. We got jack. The booklets? One was an ad for Nintendo Power with my Game Registration Code. The other was an ad for virtual games to celebrate Zelda's birthday and the final one was a fold out bi-lingual this is the game, this is what it do.

I want my booklets back, damn it!!!