Tuesday 9 August 2011

3D Recaps: Super Mario 3D Land

Game #1: Super Mario 3D Land

Hey guys! I'm starting a new series on recapping 3DS Games and then review them (If I get them.) So, lets start with one of the most anticipated games for 3DS, Super Mario 3D Land. So first off, when the 3DS was announced, Miyamoto comfirmed in a Iwata Asks, that a Super Mario title was currently in development, but he did not have a title for the game at that current time. Now, let us fast forward to November 2010. Since Miyamoto thought he did not give a proper introduction to the game, he once again comfirmed a Mario game is in development, but then he was calling it Super Mario Bros. which is quite a name for a mario game. Cause, if you look at the image above....Yeah....but he also sayed that 2D and 3D will be involved in the game. Now, fast forward all the way to february 2011. Its GDC, which stands for Game Developers conference. As always, it was in San Francisco. So Nintendo was having there conference, when they came to talking about how cool mario would be in 3D. They sayed it make hard elements, easy, like...hitting a ? Block. So out the middle of nowhere, surprise! Super Mario 3DS was announced.......for the third time. So when we all took the first looks at the first four screenshots of the game, people sayed it looked like a mix of Mario 64 and Mario Galaxy. Unforgettably, there was no gameplay, no trailer and worst of all, no demo. But atleast we know it exists and that we know what it looks like. Now, last of all, lets fast forward to E3 2011! Nintendo back at GDC made us notice a tail under the O of the logo of the game and they sayed they won't "Show" us what it men't untill E3. Well, we watched E3. Guess what it was.....Yep, the classic tanooki suit is making a return. Not only that, we got a trailer full of game play, and more screenshots, and a demo! When I saw this, I thought "Oh god, the only thing that could make this better is if nintendo gave the Super Mario demo to the public!" and I think my thought is gonna come true by the end of the year. Not only that, they change the name from Super Mario to super mario 3D Land. Now, I made a youtube playlist of all things Super Mario 3D land related. Heres the link: Here! Now make sure to watch it if your hyped for Super Mario 3D land. The release date is November 2011. Now, all I have to say now is to comment what you want me to Recap next and expect a Super Mario 3D Land review. And if possible, expect a review of the demo (If they release to public).

And I`ll talk to you later!