Sunday 24 April 2011

The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (THE PREVIEW)

The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (THE PREVIEW)
by Andrew "Chowder" Velasco

The Ocarina of Time is widely regarded by many as the greatest game of all time. First arriving to the world in late 1998. It received universal praise from critics and gamers around the globe, many reviewers giving it a perfect score such as IGN, Gamespot, and Electronic Gaming Monthly.
It even obtained the first ever perfect score from the respected Japanese gaming magazine, Famitsu. With the amazing journey the game takes you on, it is no surprise why.

But throughout all this praise it has never experienced a full remake, until now. Originally conceived as a tech demo at 2010's E3, it was shortly announced to be a full fledged game. And since then it has become the most hyped game announced for the 3DS. Just like many gamers, I too can't wait to get my hands on it.

Now you are probably wondering what it is the difference between the original and the remake?

Well, first and foremost is the fact that the graphics have been entirely redone for the 3DS. Long gone are the days of a game that looks like it's made of cardboard, and in comes the new sleek graphics for all of us to drool over. The graphics have been improved radically. Instead of being choppy and polygony they are now smooth and vivid. Nintendo has really done a fantastic job improving this area.

Another new feature is the inclusion of the Master Quest which was originally available exclusively through The Legend Of Zelda: Collector's Edition, which was never released commercially. Now if you have never played the Master Quest, it is essentially LOZ:OoT on hard mode. The biggest change is that all the dungeons have been redesigned and revamped in difficulty. Also the order you progress through the temples is slightly changed, along with other minor differences. This feature is exciting because for many, it will be the first time playing the Master Quest.

A third new feature is the inclusion of a brand new mode called Boss Challenge mode which as you can imagine lets you either fight any of the previous bosses you have defeated or fight them all one by one by one in an ongoing battle. I foresee it almost being like the boss battle mode from Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Now if you're not psyched about this game yet then I have some news for you! There are still plenty of features Nintendo has kept they're mouth shut about. So expect many surprises to be revealed in the coming months!

Now if you're STILL not psyched about this game yet then I have some news for you! You have no soul!

All kidding aside I thank you for reading this and cannot wait until this game launches on June 16 in Japan, June 17 in Europe, and June 19 for North America.

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