Monday 25 April 2011

The Wii 2 News Of Your Life Time!

  1. The Nintendo Wii 2 will be playable at E3, but released after March 2012, as Nintendo confirmed in a press release:
    Nintendo Co. Ltd. has decided to launch in 2012  a system to succeed Wii, which the company has sold 86.01 million units on a consolidated shipment basis between its launch in 2006 and the end of March 2011.
    We will show a playable model of the new system and announce more specifications at the E3 Expo, which will be held  June 7-9, 2011 in Los Angeles.
    Sales of the new system have not been included in the financial forecasts announced today for the fiscal term ending March 2011.
    2. Project Cafe codename has been confirmed from multiple sources.

    3. This is either the most convincing fake we've seen, or the commenter at O1net who has leaked lots of other details has got something wrong!

    4. Nintendo has registered a lot of new patents, which you can see here. This one, though, highly suggests that the screen on the controller is true - take a look yourself!

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