Saturday 23 April 2011

Will NoA finally localize some games this year?

News is a bit slow tonight. So, to compensate for the lack of interesting posts, I'm going to talk about something that's been on my mind for a while.


We all know the Wii has great titles. The only problem is: Nintendo of America refuses to localize all of them.

This hasn't only happened with the Wii, though. For example: Two games in the Mother series, which had a cult following, never had an official release overseas. Reggie also declines any discussion over said games.

So why won't NoA bring over great games? The answer is our own fault, actually.
I use the word "our" loosely. I simply mean the general western gaming community. Which is: FPS fans and dedicated fans of other genres.
The sad truth is that the latter isn't as large as the former, though.

Because of the western gaming community's close-mindedness, I don't think NoA wants to risk bringing over Japanese-influenced games overseas.
Which is really sad, seeing as there would be a lot of fantastic games being released for the Wii this year, if they were to be localized. Games like: The Last Story, Xenoblade, Earth Seeker, Pandora's Tower, Dragon Quest X, etc.
Not to mention the games for the 3DS that could never make it over here: Tales of the Abyss 3DS, Shin-Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked, Time Travelers, Fantasy Life, etc.

All hope isn't lost, though; Nintendo did register the domains for and a while back. Maybe that's leading to a localization?
That would certainly bring the Wii out of this "drought".

And maybe, we'll also see a lot of other great Japan-only Wii games *coughTalesofGracescough*

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