Saturday 23 April 2011

Spotto! (DSiWare) Review - What the Duck?

Spotto! is a DSiWare title by Intelligent Systems is one of those games you'd usually pass by in the DSi Shop, mostly because it looks like a kiddy mini-game. The truth is that Spotto! is one of the best games you can buy on the shop for two bucks.

You play as Spotto, a military duck (possibly inspired by Guard Duck). One day, the Mayor's daughter gets kidnapped by big-lipped ghosts, and he asks YOU to stop it! Of course, being a hero, you gladly accept. So, how do you attack these ghosts? Lasers? Guns? Stabbing them with a pencil? No. Spotto likes solving problems his way. You kill the ghosts by feeding them bombs, which make them explode from the inside out.There are three types of ghosts who appear in the game. Regular ones, which are fairly easy to kill, tiny ones, which get really annoying in the later levels, and big pink bosses, which take a few bombs to kill. You throw bombs by turning a crack on the touch screen, which controls far better then I thought it would have. But be warned- you only have a few bombs to spare.

Luckily, there are a few helpful items. The first is a power-up that, being thrown in a ghosts mouth, will turn in to three bombs, being sent out into random directions. The second is a toilet.
Yes, a toilet, which does the same thing as the power-up, but produces far more bombs.

Look at them. So unsuspecting.

While the game looks long and repetitive, you'll be having a lot of addictive fun. The game has two modes, Classic and Advanced. The only difference between the two is that Classic gives you a guide, showing you how your bombs will bounce. Advanced does no such thing, which makes it far harder.

Now, time for some categories!

Gameplay - Extremely Addictive and fun. 50 levels in two modes makes it more then enough for a 200 pointer. 9.7/10

Sound - Sounds like it was ripped straight from a cartoon soundtrack, which is a good thing. 8/10

Graphics - Kind of looks similar to a Behemoth game, and has a Adobe Flash-y feel. 8/10

Controls - Touch Screen only, which works fine, but I wonder what would have been it it had used the D-Pad optionally. 7/10

Random Category: Garden! - Nope, no gardens in here. No references to plants at all. Not a good buy for people who like games which feature plants only.

Price = 200 Points
Final Score : 9/10

And there we go. Hope you enjoyed my first review, so now, time for a unrelated quote!
"It's true that hard work never killed anybody, but I figure, why take the chance?"
-Ronald Reagan


Archie96 said...

Great review! I might just get this when DSi Ware for 3DS comes out...

BalrogTheMaster said...

That sounds like a pretty fun game! I'll pick it up the next time I grab a DSi Points Card.

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