Sunday 24 April 2011

myPostcards (DSiWare) Review - Thanks for the memories.

Putting the "I" in DSiWare, Nnooo has come out with another "interactive suite" for us to "play" which is "fun".

Oh boy, this is going to be a doozy.

myPostcards is an application that takes pictures with the system's camera and lets you give it a subtitle. Would you like to know what else it does? Nothing. You are paying two bucks for subtitles. Thanks, Nnooo. You really know how to make apps.

Nnooo also seems to think worthless unlockables are great, because you can unlock backgrounds for your postcards. WELL GOLLY GEE, WOULDN'T IT BE THE DURNDEST THING IF YOU COULD DO THE EXACT SAME THING ON THE FREE DSi CAMERA? Oh wait, you can. For free. This game is almost completely useless and terrible.

I hope they don't make myPostcard Carbon or I'll have to review that too.

Categories are almost too good for this game. Almost.

Gameplay - You can give your pictures subtitles! Yaaaaay! 2/10

Sound - Same sounds as myNotebook, same awfulness. I'd give it a 7 for quality, but they copied it from their own game! 4/10

Graphics -Barely any at all. You need to take the pictures. 3/10

Controls - Touchscreen, which works actually slightly better then myNotebook Carbon. 6.5/10

Random Category! - Characters - None. Fail.

Price - 200 points (Or Two Bucks.)

FINAL SCORE - 3.5/10

We all like unrelated anime, right? Sure you do! I'd recommend Sgt. Frog because it's funny and has lots of action. Unlike myPostcards.

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