Sunday 24 April 2011

10 Second Run (DSiWare) Review - Tick Tock, on the clock, but the platforming won't stop.

Who likes platformers? Pretty much everyone. And why not? Jumping and running are fun, and can be imitated easily in real life without any consequences whatsoever!*

*Warning: NintendoHub takes no responsibility from you injuring yourself by imitating platforming games.

The creators of this game, GameBridge, must have liked platformers as well, but they also must have liked extremely challenging time limits, because that's what this game is.

You control an Orange Stick Figure who jumps and runs through 50 stages. Sounds easy enough, right? WRONG. You only get 10 seconds to get through these increasingly challenging stages. The time limit won't be your only enemy though, there are killer shapes who want you dead for some reason. These enemies come in more and more numbers, and they also come with the addition of spikes.

Now, Mr. Orange Stick Figure is very fast, but that could be a shortcoming. It takes about half of a second from the time to take your finger off the button to the time he stops, which can get you killed very easily. However, you have unlimited lives, so that's always a good thing. Also, there are a few more modes to keep you entertained. This game is a good buy for only 200 Points, but I won't tell you that without the categories!

Gameplay - When Platforming is good, it's really good. When it's bad, it is dreadful. Luckily, this game is the former. Quite hard, though, watch out for that. 9.5/10 
Sound - There isn't much, but what is seems... mediocre, at best. 6/10
Graphics - It looks like you are playing one of those street signs, and pulls it off very well. 8/10
Controls - The D-Pad and A Button are all you'll need. No touchscreen at all, which makes it clumsy to navigate menus. 7/10
Random Category! - Enemies - The enemies are very cool and well colored. Mr. Stick Figure man doesn't stand a chance. Pass!

Price - 200 points (or two smackers.)
FINAL SCORE - 8.5/10

Do you like unrelated music?Listen to "Robots FTW" from the Portal 2 Soundtrack while playing this game, it just might give you the inspiration you need to beat it.

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