Wednesday 27 April 2011

myDiary (DSiWare) Review - Diary BY a Wimpy Kid

Hey Kids? Like carrying around large books of blank paper and writing down your thoughts hoping that someone will read them? How about doing that, but on the DS? Nnooo has come to the rescue with myDiary! What is myDiary? It's myNotebook, but we stuck a calender in it, which myNotebook should have had, and crippled the controls to an unplayable rate! Now pay up!

Oh Nnooo. How I hate you.

If you've been reading my reviews (like all good children should), you'll know that I hate Nnooo and their awful myLife "interactive suites". This game is myNotebook, but with a calender and 400 pages. Now, I know what you're all thinking. "400 pages? And a Calender? You must be the spawn of Satan himself if you don't like this game!". Well, honestly, I was going into this with an open mind. It seems to improve upon every thing myNotebook screwed up on. Oh, how wrong I was.

This app has a calender, more pages, and if you don't want people reading your diary, a PIN code to lock it! What could go wrong? The controls. The touchscreen is the most unresponsive, glitchy, unfinished mess I have ever touched with my honored stylus. You can't slide your stylus across the screen, which is awful in case, you know, you want to you the diary function. It's like Nnooo didn't beta test this at all! Also, the touch screen on the DSi is far too small to actually want to write a whole diary entry. That would be, if you could draw lines to make words to make an entry. But you can't. Because Nnooo is awful.

Gameplay - The only things you can do without sliding is see the calender and change the color scheme. So I guess 1.5/10 for that.

Graphics - Cookie-cutter graphics which make up lines and squares. Not too bad to look at, though. 3.9/10

Sound -
All the sound effects are encompassed by one - stolen from Nintendo, I may add - click.

Controls -
As discussed before, god-awful. 1/10

Random Category! - Television -
Theoretically, you could draw a television, but the DAMN CONTROLS DON'T WORK! Fail!

Price - 200 Points (Or 200 points too many for this game.)
FINAL SCORE - 2.6/10

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