Wednesday 27 April 2011

Birds & Beans (DSiWare) Review - Everybody knows that the bird is the word!

Imagine... You just got your brand-new Nintendo DSi, and you log on to the newly opened DSiWare Shop. Nintendo has given you a free 1000 points to use, but you still want something cheap, so as to save up for a better game to come in the future. You check the 200 point section, and see one lone game.




Now, back to reality. It's been over 2 years since DSiWare came out, and 75% of the games are either awful "entertainment suites" or just downright horrible. However, there is one game that still got you to believe in DSiWare. And this, is that game.

Birds & Beans was originally two micro-games that were included on two WarioWare titles that became immensely popular from gamers posting their high scores on videos of this addicting title on the internet. Intelligent Systems must have been aware of the titles popularity, because they have included new games on each WarioWare title.

Birds & Beans was the first game released on DSiWare for 200 points, and it set the bar high. This title actually contains two mini-games, with one being unlocked when a high score is achieved on the other, both starring lovable and extremely marketable bird, Pyoro. The first game stars the bird-brain trying to catch beans, which fall from the sky, with his extremely large tongue. Sound easy? ISN'T EASY. Pyoro's tongue can only stretch out at 45-degree angles, which makes collecting beans a lot harder. Every time a bean touches the ground, a small portion of it vanishes. Luckily, there is a white bean you can catch to make an angel appear who brings down the missing piece. Once you get 10,000 points in this game, the second game is unlocked.

Birds & Beans 2: Electric Boogaloo is about a yellow Pyoro who doesn't like beans, so she spits seeds at them to make then explode. In mid-air. When a bean explodes, it leaves two stems to shoot at, which is always good target practice. This game is harder, but well worth the effort.

The price is iffy though, as there isn't quite enough content to justify 2 bucks. Maybe if it was bundled with the other WarioWare title that came out on the DSiWare, I'd recommend it. But if you really enjoyed these games on WarioWare, you'll love them here.

Gameplay - Fun, addictive, beans exploding in mid-air. 9/10

Graphics -
While the games do look fine at first, you'll soon get tired of the WarioWare-Type graphics. 7/10

Sound - Really catchy and fun. There's only one track, but it's more then enough. 9/10

Controls -
Left, Right, A. No touch screen at all, but the game is played on the top screen, so it's fine. 8/10

Random Category! - Food -
Well, it's called Birds and Beans. Pass!

Price - 200 points
(or roughly 200 Yen.)

Looking for another Intelligent Systems game? Why not check out Spotto?

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