Friday 29 April 2011

You won't be getting a Nintendo with a buttonless controller

With the introduction of touchscreens and motion controls, the cynical gamer might think it's a matter of time before Nintendo abandons the use of buttons all together. Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata assures us that that's not what the company has planned.

Iwata used the ds as an example of how Nintendo would incorporate touch screen.
And went on to elaborate ,

Whenever we make a new game console, we've done it without throwing away buttons and the directional pad... The reason for that it's better to have them, because buttons and directional pads benefit gameplay response... Taking this into account... Nintendo isn't planning on completely ditching buttons, nor is Nintendo thinking of taking tablets as they are today and implementing them in a game console.

Does this mean that every Nintendo controller will have a touchscreen or motion controls with buttons? I hope so.

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