Tuesday 26 April 2011

Top 5 Most Bizarre Mario Games

The 5 Most Bizarre Mario Games Of All Time
by Andrew "Chowder" Velasco

Trust me, if you follow this blog you have to be a fan of Nintendo, and if you're a fan of Nintendo then more than likely you are a fan of the little red plumber. Mario is famous for starring in some of the best games of all time. Now Mario has appeared in over 100 games, so by the odds not all of them can be instantly classic. Whether the games in this list are fun or not is arguable, but you can't argue with how bizarre these games are. Keep in mind, I tried my best to only keep in games released on Nintendo consoles. Enjoy!

#5- Mario Paint

Now this game has gathered sort of a cult following, type in nearly any popular song on Youtube and more than likely there is a Mario Paint version of it. This game had tons of options in it, you could make paintings, make stamps, make music and even make your own animations. It was a crazy direction for Nintendo to go in, because come on painting? Really?

#4 Dr.Mario

If you thought Mario being a painter was
weird, then imagine him as a doctor. Now where in the bluest of all hells did Mario get his doctorate from? It takes 8+ years of schooling. Where did he get the time on top of saving princesses and crawling down sewers? Obviously he wasn't trained well because for all the "viruses" you get he shoves more and more pills down your throat... pretty peculiar.... I'm just saying I wouldn't trust him giving me a physical.

#3 Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix

O.K. so Mario is a little plump man....and honestly the thought of him dancing just blows my mind. I mean really? It is the strangest thing to think, I mean anyone can pretend to dance, but Mario proves he is quite good at dancing. This game really disproves the stereotype that white men can not dance. I find it very astounding that all your problems in this game are solved solely by dancing.

#2 Mario's Time Machine

I found this game to be very tedious and.....original to say the least. I mean, I know it is an educational game, but that still doesn't save it from being on this list. You travel through time looking for different artifacts and answering history question. Honestly if you think SMG2 was the hardest Mario game, then obviously you have not played this one. I never thought in a million years that I would see Mario and the founding fathers of America in the same room together in the same game.

#1 Hotel Mario

Now remember when I said I try my best to keep it only to game's released on Nintendo consoles. Well my best wasn't good enough because this game just takes the cake of most bizarre Mario game. I know it was released on CD-i, but come on look at the cover...is that Elvis I see on it? Are you ready to hear about the main objective in the game? Shutting doors.... Yes that's the entire game you climb up and down the hotel to shut all the doors before the damn wigglers, koopas, goombas, and whatever else can get in your what can open them again. Oh did I mention the hotel is in a tree? Because it is. Congratulations Hotel Mario for you being the most bizarre Mario game!

Well that concludes my first ever list. Thanks for reading. If you want me to keep making them go ahead and tell me in the comments. If you think I'm stupid and should keep my big mouth shut....well better to tell me know then later. Bye Bye.

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