Monday 25 April 2011

Sam and Max Episode 4 (WiiWare) Review - I have the voices to keep me company!

What can I say about Sam and Max? They're my favorite video game characters, and all of their games are awesome. Sam and Max: Episode 4: Abe Lincoln Must Die! (Yes, that is the full title.) is about everyone's favorite subject, politics!

The plot is that the president of the United States is making some strange new rules. Sam and Max, the dog-and-rabbit freelance police, investigate. After Max accidentally decapitates the pres, he must run in an election against a giant robotic statue of Abraham Lincoln, controlled by the Mob. You heard me.

This is why I love Sam & Max. The plots of each game are silly and unrealistic, but the games are full of witty humor. Episode 4 also brings back some characters from the other episodes like Hugh Bliss, founder of Prismatology, and Sybil, who is always trying to find a new job.

This is a point-and-click adventure game. You control Sam, the big dog in a suit, while Max, the gun-toting rabbit, follows behind you. You interact with people by talking with them, or using an item in your inventory, which includes a gun, a cockroach, and boxing glove, and oh so much more. The game is hilarious, largely due to Max, who is insane (much like your friendly neighborhood reviewer).

Gameplay - It's hard to screw up a Point-and-Click, and this game hits home. 10/10

Graphics -
It's like a 3D version of the old Sam and Max Cartoon. There are a few totally under-detailed images though. 8/10

Sound -
Sam and Max is famous for the jazz music, and this game more then delivers. You can even buy the soundtrack here. 10/10

Controls - This is the game's weak point. The WiiMote isn't very good with point and clicks, and you'll see your cursor go off the screen more then once. 6/10

Random Category - Tattoos! - There aren't many tattoos in this game. Oh wait, Sybil owns a tattoo shop. Pass!

Price - 500 Points (Or you can get it for free on Steam.)
FINAL SCORE - 9.0/10
Fun fact: Sam and Max Season One holds a world record for the shortest amount of time between episode release dates.

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