Sunday 24 April 2011

myNotebook Carbon (DSiWare) Review - Barely Carbonated at all.

myNotebook Carbon is a sequel to the popular myNotebook Green, Red, and Blue. Now, I want to know how the original myNotebook series got popular enough to justify a sequel.

The game is what the title implies, a virtual notebook that has a Carbon color scheme. Holding your system sideways lets you write notes, doodle, or just waste time unlocking things. Yes, you can unlock things in a notebook. Stay with me here.

Now, on paper (see what I did there? Haha!) this seems like an excellent idea. Why not have a notebook application on the DS? It makes perfect sense, so when Nnooo, the game's developer, announced this title, everyone said "Hooray!". Then they released the game.


In all honesty though, lots of people bought the game simply because, hey, it was cheap, and we all have a time when we need to write a note, like "Remember: Don't throw Explosives at small animals." However, while the original application only cost a measly 2 dollars, this costs five.

"But Yokid!", I hear you ask, "The game costs more because there is more content, right?" Well, there are four times as many pages in the original. That does not justify five dollars. While the original may have been accepted for low price, this should not. Carbon offers absolutely no improved controls or any more unlockables. So the question is, are 128 pages worth five dollars? Well, fair reader, I think not.

Time for some categories!

Gameplay - Well, you have to make the gameplay yourself, so I guess it is pretty fun to draw silly pictures of people beating each other with fish. 6/10

Sound - The game does have some very nice sound effects, but they don't play often. 7/10

Graphics - The notebook cover and lines on the pages would be better on a GBA. 3/10

Controls - All touchscreen, which works about 75% of the time. 6/10

Random Category - Outside! - Well, you can draw things like flowers or birds or rocks, so I guess I'll say it passes. For now!

Price= 500 Points (or five dollars).


So there you go, my thoughts on the sequel to one of the first DSiWare applications.

Time for an unrelated quote!

"Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." - Douglas Adams

1 comment:

Archie96 said...

"Now, on paper (see what I did there? Haha!)"
Love it!

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