Friday 1 January 2010

MrPuffalo's Bio

Hello, and greetings to all. I'm MrPuffalos, a writer.

What do I do for this website?
I write articles and I'm an admin for the forum.

Why did you join this site as a writer?
Because I get to write, and I might even gain some internet recognition!

How did you come up with your username?
Puff and Buffalos to get Puffalos, and then I added Mr to get MrPuffalos.

What is your favorite Nintendo gaming system (handheld or home)?
The Nintendo 3DS

What is your favorite non-Nintendo gaming system (handheld or home)?
It's a tie between the PS2 and iPhone 4

What is your favorite video game?
Mario Kart Wii

What are your hobbies?
Writing and running.

What is your favorite Animal?
The African Big-Eyed Tree Frog

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