Sunday 24 April 2011

Miyamoto "We are always developing new hardware"

There’s been a load more speculation floating around this week regarding the sequel to Nintendo’s Wii console.
Shigeru Miyamoto has already let some more details slip about the forthcoming Super Mario 3DS, which will be out this year, and now he’s also dropped hints about the Wii 2 to Edge (via CVG).
Surprisingly, when Miyamoto was asked in the interview about if the Wii2 is he said this “Don’t ask! Even when the Wii launched we were developing new hardware, work on 3DS had already started. It’s a matter of when we announce it.”
So clearly work on some Nintendo console is underway.
When the Interviewer EDGE probed for whether an E3 reveal was on the cards for the next-gen console, “Please wait. Be patient until we decide,” was the response from the legendary Shigeru Miyamoto.
The Wii2 is rumoured to take a more hardcore gamer approach with a triple-core IBM PowerPC processor,A ATI R700 graphics solution and GTA V rumoured for launch.
What’s more the controller will apparently have its own HD touchscreen built in, a big one-two, perhaps 6 inches in size some sources have claimed.
Just imagine local multi player where no one can peak at your screen.

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