Sunday 24 April 2011

Lego Star Wars III (3DS) Review - Digital Building Blocks Rule!!!

It's awesome breaking General Griveous and friends into Lego Bricks, right? Yep. That is exactly one of the things you can do in Lego Star Wars III, the next entry in the critically acclaimed Lego Star Wars series.

I feel like starting with the bad stuff, so.... one of my two complaints is that it is not the most portable games. There is no way to save in between the acts of a level, and there are 3 acts, so Lego Star Wars is not a good pickup-and-play game. My other complaint is that there is no multiplayer whatsoever. Local multiplayer would have been so easy to tack on to the game, but I guess the game's developers had a quick cash-in in mind.

Aside from those two complaints, Lego Star Wars III was spectacular! The minigames on it were very fun, and they provided you studs to buy characters in. One of my biggest things about the game is it takes advantage of a lot of the 3DS' features. You can gain extra studs (50,000) with StreetPass, you can buy characters with Play Coins, and there's great 3D (especially in the air battles).

The levels are challenging and fun, so you most likely won't feel like beating them is a task (unless you have to beat it in a few minutes). There are old gameplay elements from past Lego Star Wars games such as building things and using the force, but there are new ones such as making holes in walls and zip-lining with a clone's gun.

The controls are relatively simple because Lego Star Wars III is a game that children often play. Also, they are very similar to the controls in Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga for the DS. I personally like Lego Star Wars III's use of the touch screen, such as drawing a circle to make a hole in a window or a wall.

Are you worried about the lasting appeal of Lego Star Wars III? Fear not, readers. The levels take a long time, and then you can go back through each level in Free Play mode to find all of the Minikits and Red Bricks. I have put around 16 hours into my copy, and I'm far from getting all the Minikits and Red Bricks, let alone beating all of the levels. I guess some people game faster than me, though.

  • Fun gameplay
  • Lots of Lasting Appeal
  • The levels are very close to the episode they're based off of
  • Not much portability
  • No Multiplayer

Gameplay: Solid like its predecessors 9/10

Sound: Great Sound Affects+Classic Music=Win 9/10

Controls: Great except for the flight levels, which should have have used the circle pad like Pilotwings Resort 9/10

Random Category: Box Art! Not the best ever, but it is still decent.

Overall: 9/10

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