Monday 25 April 2011

Iwata says the Wii 2 Will Offer A New Way Of Playing Games

Supposedly we won't know a thing about the Wii 2 until E3 - but the guys at Nintendo never seem to be able to hold their tongue! Iwata has come out and said:

    As for the details of exactly what it will be, we have decided that it is best to let people experience it for themselves at E3. So I won’t talk about specific details today, but it will offer a new way of playing games within the home.

It's always great to hear Nintendo are doing something new! In a separate statement, Iwata repeated his thoughts and clarified the possibility 3D’s relation to home consoles:

    We would like to propose a new approach to home video game consoles. It’s difficult to make 3-D images a key feature, because 3-D televisions haven’t obtained wide acceptance yet.

Oh E3. How I can't wait for you.

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