Saturday 23 April 2011

Introductions! Stay for the fun, leave because of the explosions.


I'm yokid575. I'm a reviewer, who reviews things that deserve to be reviewed. I'll mostly be reviewing 3DS and DS titles, DSi and 3DS Ware titles, and maybe a miscellaneous review. I'll review these games on a scale of 0.0 to 10.0 . The addition of decimals will allow me to finely tune my final score of the game.

As you can see from the picture, I enjoy Sam and Max.

I'll be rating the games (or maybe something other then a game! Muhahaha!) by five carefully chosen categories.

Gameplay - Is the game fun? Is it worth your hard-earned cash?
Sound - Does it have good sound effects and music?
Graphics - Do the images burn holes in your retinas?
Controls - Can the game be played easily?
Random Category - Always a fun one. I'll pick a random word from this website , and judge the game on it. This one won't contribute to the final score, but it's loads-o-laffs!*

*not actually loads-laffs. Any attempt at laughing while reading this category will cause Jupiter to explode.

So there we go! That's the end of my introduction, I hope you'll enjoy reading these columns as much as I enjoy writing them.

1 comment:

Archie96 said...

Good to see you, Yokid!
I love your writing, makes for a good laugh...

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