Sunday 24 April 2011

I feel like I have to write about this.

Reader: "Hey, Magma. Do you finally have any news for us?"
Me: "Nope!"

As of late, all I've been playing is Starcraft II (I'm not very good at the game yet, but regardless).
Anyways, I'm enjoying the game very much, and I have no problem saying it's really good.

But how good is it? Is it better than Zelda?

Fans on G4 seem to think so, though.
Allow me to elaborate: G4 has been holding a poll over which the best game series is.
I usually dismiss everything G4-related, but when my favourite series' reputation is in jeopardy, I can't just sit back and not do anything.

Still confused? Well, we're in the final round. Amazing franchises like Pokemon and Final Fantasy have been beaten by Resident Evil and Gears of War. I love RE and all, but c'mon - be realistic.

And now, Zelda is facing up against Starcraft.
So which one is better? Well, let's compare:
Zelda has had 16 games in the series, all amazing (not counting the CD-i games)
And Starcraft has had three, one of which was bad.

I do really enjoy playing Starcraft. But, I can't - for the life of me - say that it's better than the legacy that is Zelda.

So what's the point of the post? Hold on, I'm getting there!

The voting is still going on until April 15th.
And I want you guys to help me put Zelda on top.

C'mon guys; alone we're weak, but together we're strong!

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