Monday 25 April 2011

1000 View Special : Interview with Archie96, Creator Of The World (Of Nintendo Hub)!

Hello, boys and girls, children of all ages! Today we have an interview with the site's creator, Archie96! This is also special because it celebrates our first 1000 views! Let's get started.

Me: What do you do for the Website?

Archie: I am the admin and an article / news writer. I am also the creator of Nintendo Hub.

Why did you start this website?

1. I wanted to see if I could make a successful website!
2. I love writing.
3. I wanted there to be a site with loads of different opinions, and as many articles as possible!

Did any other website inspire you to make this one? . I wanted to make a website as successful as it.

What is your favorite game console?

Currently the 3DS - Probably because it's so new!

Favorite game for the 3DS?Pilotwings Resort. It's quite short, but I enjoy the Free-Flight mode.

I see. Did you have any issues with the game?Aside from it being short, not really... oh, and sometimes I felt the 3D was too strong.

What is your favorite game of all time?Err, thats a tricky one! I'd have to go with... Super Mario Sunshine!

What is your favorite non-Nintendo console?iPod Touch.

And favorite game for iPod Touch?
I don't play it much anymore, but in it's time, Angry Birds.

I like that one too. Any thoughts about it on the 3DSWare?
Well, I wrote an article about how I'd thought it'd play. I'm extremely excited for it.

Which part(s) if this website do you read (or watch) most?Everything! I read every single article on this website and love every one!

Aww, that's nice. Can you give us any hints about what the new competition might be?AR.

Why did you use "Archie96" as your username?Well, Archie's my name, and 96... I like 96.

How did you recruit most of the writers for this website?Through 3DS Forums, and writers are still being recruited!

Do you like any specific news posts, reviews, etc that you want to mention?

I love all your reviews - honestly - they're very well written and I'm interested in Wii 2 news.

Thanks for the comment about my reviews, it's very kind. One last question, what part of the site do you think could be improved upon?
I'd like there to be a section where you can search for a game, and then it's review, screenshots and details would appear. I'm working on that, but it may take a while before it works properly.

And that's all folks! A big thanks to Archie96 for being so nice as to offer me a chance to interview him, and a big thanks to YOU for helping this site get it's first 1000 views!

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