Sunday, 24 April 2011

Mario Clock (DSiWare) Review - What time is it, Mr Wolf?

Do you need a clock on your DS? Probably not, because it comes with one built in on the main screen, but hey, Mario!

That's what this game is, a digital or analog clock, in military or 12-hour time, but with a Super Mario Bros. mini game. The clock function is great and works very well, and is based off of your internal time, but you didn't come to hear me talk about the damn clock.

The game they give you is about how Mario and his brother Luigi are off to save the princess once again. I don't know who they are saving her from, considering Bowser in mentioned nowhere in this game, but he might have been shopping (or reading articles on Nintendo Hub) when Mario saves the Princess.

Your Character is always running forward on one of a few different levels which change every half-hour, and they switch out every 100 coins. You can collect coins by jumping and grabbing them in the air or bouncing under blocks which have coins in them. Once you collect 1200 coins, you rescue the Princess, who asks you if you'd like to start a new game. Which, of course, you can. OR CAN YOU?!

Gameplay -
It's a fun recreation of the original Super Mario Bros, which everyone likes. 9/10

Graphics - 8-Bit rarely works nowadays, but when it's made by a good team, it's great. Saw one or two graphical glitches though. 8.5/10

Sound - The classic music from each of the levels. Always nostalgic. 9/10

Controls - The only buttons you use are the A and B, and they work fine. How do you screw up the A and B buttons? 8/10

Random Category - Price - The price is right on this one, because it's only 200 points. Remember, you aren't buying the clock, you are buying the mini-game. Pass!

Price - 200 points (or eight quarters.)
FINAL SCORE - 9.0/10

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