Saturday 23 April 2011

How Angry Birds May Work On The Nintendo 3DS...

A few months ago, Rovio, the creators of Angry Birds announced via Twitter that they are making Angry Birds for the 3DS. Here I will discuss the few ways how Rovio may decide to do this.

The first, as shown in the quick mock up I made, is that you play on the bottom screen, but on the top screen you have a third person camera angle from behind the bird. As you blow up buildings, etc, rocks and such pop out at you, giving cool 3D effects.
The secondway  is that the game is the same as on the iPhone on the top screen, and on the touch screen you just have a big zoomed in version of the bird's slingshot which will soon be sending it to its own doom.
Finally, the game could be played completely on the touch scree, with just menus and scored etc on the top screen.

What do you think - how do you think it'll play?

1 comment:

Jacob said...

I'm sure it would play fine and dandy,but the third way should have an option to make it playable with the D-Pad or control stick.

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