These so called "gamers" said that they loved video games, and felt compelled to write about them. The fact that they quit over an issue of money bothered me. Why would these people quit over money? If they really liked video games, so much to the point that they'd write about them, they'd do it for free. These weren't gamers. These were hypocrites.
Now, I understand we need to make money. I'm an adult, I need money for food and to afford my apartment. But I have a job. I myself write a humor column for my daily newspaper, and it's something I enjoy doing. I wouldn't stop if the newspaper stopped paying me, because I like what I do. That's why I write for this website. I like writing about video games. I don't get paid for these articles, neither do my fellow writers on this website. We do this because we enjoy it. True gamers will write about their favorite games for free, just to inform people about the game, or their opinion of it. You aren't a gamer if you write only for a money.
These people are the reason people deem video games "Idiotic". That's why when I want news or reviews on my favorite video games, I don't go to IGN or Gamespot, because the writers there won't give their honest opinion. And when they do, they get fired. I go to an indie site, like Giant Bomb, or 3DSForums or this very website, Nintendo Hub. We, the independent video gaming community, do our very best to bring you the best news, the best interviews, the best reviews, the best previews, and to quote Nintendo Hub's tagline...
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